You hate them. I hate them. Even with the city in crisis and schools shut down, these "school safety" speed cameras and red light cameras act as a tax upon drivers in this city, ticketing them just enough to hurt (and enough to add up to millions in revenue for the city), but not enough that anyone will fight back. After all, what's the sense in hiring a lawyer to fight back against a $50 ticket?
That's why I created this machine. These tickets - which are clearly illegal under state law and which courts have rules are illegal in their current form - are still being handed out to thousands of drivers every day because the city knows that it costs more to fight back than it does to pay the ticket and move on. (That is true even if, like me, you're a cranky lawyer that doesn't have to pay legal fees to fight back.)
This machine fights back based on the clear text of the law and court decisions that followed:
To be effective such a technician's certificate must be sworn to or affirmed before a notary public or other authorized official.
Yes, it's that simple. The technician's certificate that accompanies your ticket must be notarized. Or sworn to by a lawyer, doctor, or dentist. That's the law. As of August 2020, none of the tickets are notarized.
The following quick generator will give you a cut-and-paste argument to fight your red light or speeding camera ticket in NYC. It is not guaranteed to succeed - like I said, despite clear law, I lost all of my appeals that came before the August 12, 2020 decision - but copying and pasting this beats capitulating.